
TWA Mentoring Program

The TWA Mentorship program could be your next best chance to align yourself with someone that will help recharge your focus towards those career goals you have been neglecting for some time.  We have redesigned program to use an online survey to collect information to specifically focus on matching you with the right mentor. and a new profile template that the mentee will complete to share with the mentor to aid in mentoring conversations.

This year our program will work to align you to a mentor whose career strengths are in line with your identified areas of growth. Our new profile template asks you to take a renewed look at your objectives, determine what is impeding your forward progress, and work with your mentor in those areas.

Our goal is to help you take the next steps to further your career by identifying executives in and outside of our industry to invest in you with a specific focus towards removing obstacles and moving forward.

Steps in Process

  • Step 1  –  Complete Online Survey

  • Step 2  –  Mentoring team will match you with a Mentor and communicate to both Mentor and Mentee the match.

  • Step 3  –  Mentee to download and complete Mentoring-Talent-Profile_Template Mentee will email Talent profile to Mentor and arrange for meeting.


Please contact

Executive Engagement & Mentoring Co Chairs

Lorraine Curling & Kimberly Healy

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